Curtis Edmonds


Curtis Edmonds

Curtis Edmonds

Contemporary Romance, Children's

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  • Member Since

    Aug 2017

  • Born

    28 February

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I live a very quiet, boring life in the New Jersey suburbs. I am from Texas, and I cook barbecue and Tex-Mex just because that's the easiest way to get them where I live. I read a whole lot of Elephant and Piggie books to my five-year-old daughters. I listen to depressing country songs and balance my checkbook, although you shouldn't do both those things at the same time.

And I write. That is what I have always done. Twenty years ago, I used to write movie reviews, back when I had the time to watch movies. I switched to book reviews because it was easier to get books to review than it was to get DVDs from studios. I wrote four law review articles that no one will ever willingly read. I tried writing political commentary before I realized that the world doesn't need another knothead writing tripe about politics.

Sometime after we moved to our new house, I saw a deer wandering across a railroad track and wondered what the deer would say if he could talk. I wrote that up as flash fiction, and got it into McSweeney's Internet Tendency (, along with a lot of other humorous pieces over the years.

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